Zimou Tan Appointed New Associate Dean of OSAD
The Board of Trustees of Olivet University appointed Zimou Tan as the new Associate Dean of Olivet School of Art and Design. Tan will succeed Dr. Hannah Lee in this position....
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OSAD Director Named Judge for Idyllwild's Annual Art Show
Olivet School of Art & Design Director Zimou Tan has been named as the judge for an annual art show in Idyllwild, California....
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Advanced Digital Imaging Class Opens to Art Students
Olivet School of Art & Design opened a new course, Advanced Digital Imaging, that will give students the skills to produce creative and conceptual visuals....
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Wall Murals to Beautify Riverside Campus
Olivet School of Art & Design is planning to create wall murals at Olivet University's Riverside campus...
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Students Anticipate Armand Serrano's Lecture After Artist Confirms Date
Artist Armand Serrano, who is known for his works in Disney films, has been confirmed to speak at Olivet University on March 5....