OSAD Hosts 4th Annual Art and Design Exhibition at Riverside Campus
On Saturday, Dec. 21, Olivet School of Art and Design hosted its 4th annual art and design exhibition at Olivet's Riverside Campus in California....
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Olivet University Networks with Anza Community to Document Town's History
The Olivet School of Art and Design has spent the past quarter collaborating with local residents and professionals on a special project that will document and preserve the history of Anza....
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Art and Design Annual Exhibition Scheduled for December
Olivet School of Art and Design (OSAD) has begun planning for its Winter Art and Design Annual Exhibition, scheduled to begin on December 13, 2019....
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OSAD Launches BA Fine Arts Program in Fall
Olivet School of Arts and Design has just launched its Fall 2019 Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts. The start of the Fall quarter on September 23 marks a new chapter for OSAD. Students of the BA Fine Arts program will study the fundamental skills to create masterful artwork with hands-on training....
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OSAD Associate Dean Wins "Best of Show" Award at Art Alliance Exhibition
Olivet School of Arts and Design Associate Dean Professor Zimou Tan participated in the art competition-cum-exhibition organized by the Idyllwild Art Alliance and won the "Best of Show" award for his artwork....